Mechanical, Electrical. Plumbing Systems
Our main expertise is on Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing systems, which mean we are able to provide MEP services from conceptual design to details design, until the installation of the systems for any Design and Building projects, reference to the fee proposal submitted.
As a One Stop Service provider, we deal with the following:
1) Mechanical system which covers: Air-conditioning, mechanical ventilation
2) Electrical system which covers: Transformer, generator, High tension and low tension, Cable & Wire, ELV system, UPS etc.
3) Plumbing system which covers: Sanitary, waste treatment plant, pumps and submersible pumps, water supply system, piping etc.
4) Others such as: Fire protection system, fire fighting system, carpark system etc.
Our team is able to understand your requirement and customize to your needs.